Friday, 29 April 2022

Introducing Janine Bava - Tairāwhiti's New Facilitator

Welcome to Janine Bava - our new facilitator for our Tairāwhiti Cluster. She started as a facilitator in term 2, 2022 bringing a wealth of knowledge, effective practice and skills with her. 

Janine has been teaching at Awapuni School here in Gisborne for 10 years. She has been part of the Manaiakalani programme in several ways. 

Janine had in-class support for a year. She and her team quickly took on the Manaiakalani kaupapa of Learn Create Share. Her team developed a learning site for their year 5 & 6 students that was visible and contained rewindable learning. 

Janine was also a Manaiakalani Innovate Teacher in 2021. Her inquiry was around inclusive practice in the classroom. Her site is here for you to explore.

We wish Janine every success in her new role and we know that she has so much to offer teachers in our cluster.

Monday, 4 April 2022

Learn | Ako Staff Hui Term 1 2022

In this term's staff hui we worked with school to develop the visibility and rewindability of their class sites. 

The staff learning was to explore and use tools to  level up something they had planned for their class in the coming week/s to make it rewindable.

When using 3rd party apps it is a changing landscape. This is exemplified by the paywall now on Screencastify. We have been strong and constant users of Screencastify over the years but this paywall changes things a lot. Having a 3rd party app Like Screencastify integrated into our Drive makes it so user-friendly for students - and teachers. It is a shame we have lost the functionality of this app.

Mote is another excellent 3rd party app that now has a paywall so we have gone back to suggesting the use of an online audio recorder for voice recording. There is some light at the end of the tunnel with Google developing a Screencasting app for Chromebooks. Watch this space!

Knowing this we included Loom as an option as well as Quicktime for Mac users. 

I subscribe to Richard Byrne's Free Tech for Teachers blog so I can keep up with what's the latest and greatest. Worth subscribing to for teachers.