Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Partnerships with Whānau

As we return to school in this post-lockdown period we have an opportunity to reflect and learn from our experiences.

The Education Hub has been active in collecting parent, teacher and student voice. 

The Education Hub's webinar of "Lessons form Lockdown: Engaging in true partnership with Māori and Pasifika families" is a succinct article about what can be done on the way forward. 

In our cluster many schools reported anecdotally that they felt that they had formed closer relationships with whānau. They reported that whānau were active in their children's learning at home and even sat in on class Google Meets. Many of the junior teachers I worked with had parents emailing photos of their children learning at home. 

On return to school parents were messaging schools with gratitude for the work they saw teachers and schools doing. They appreciated the high level of communication through daily Meets, online assemblies and emails. They expressed thanks for the care and attention the teachers gave to the learning tasks and how accessible it was on class Google sites. 

So how can schools learn from this and continue to forge relationships to continue on from the good work done in lockdown? How can they build on what worked and collectively work on what is good for students, whānau and schools?

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