Today I attended a day's training with Dan from Gamefroot. Locally, there is interest in establishing a Game Dev Club/Coding Club. What a neat opportunity this would be for our tamariki.
Our first activity was part one of game development - the "Wall o' Games". Lots of fun and a strategy to get creative juices and collaboration going.
Then onto coding in Gamefroot with a blank canvas. I really was in the learning pit! Not only with the coding aspect but the whole gaming thing as well. I do not play online games and never have so felt at a bit of a loss as to what the elements of a game are and what they do, how you win/lose, and what is a spike? Along with spike there was a whole lot of other gaming lingo I did not understand.
My limited experience in Scratch Jnr on iPads and Scratch on Chromebooks helped a wee bit in terms of me knowing what coding blocks are, but as to what they did - that's a whole new world. And then I scrolled down some of the lists of coding block as and see the millions I didn't use and wonder - what are they for?
Maybe I need to sit with the mokopuna when they are here in the July holidays and get them to talk me through their favourite games and why they like them. is what I managed to do today which is basically the first half of 8 weeks of Dev Club mahi. Not bad for a newbie!
Click here to play the first 2 levels of my game. Let me know in the comments what my game needs.