Friday 2 September 2022

Reading Practice Intensive - Day 2

Titled "Know Your Learner" this day extends on the day 1 theme of knowing our students as readers and learners.

I am a data nerd and marvel at how digital technologies have put data at our fingertips. A school's SMS system is paramount to getting information in and out so that it can be used. From today it sounds like some SMS are not as easy to use as they should be - not that I would name them here. It is so hard for schools to cope with this as they have to pay for the service and then to trun around and change systems means more change etc etc etc.

Getting data out of a SMS or from online testing portals such as NZCER or e-asTTle and putting it in a Sheet is a great way for teachers to store multiple types of info about their class and have it all in one place without having to click away and try to remember where on earth some thing is or have to log on and go through the process of finding a test, finding the students, then copying the data. 

I have visions of the old type "assessment" log in a folder or pre-manufactured book and shudder! The pre-manufactured books were a nightmare with teachers having to hand-write everything in there. Ugh! Using a Sheet means you can fashion it to the needs of the learners and add any requirements that the school makes. 

Teaching students to use a Sheet is a great skill to develop in a class. Teachers can use this to track mahi. I have seen great examples of this in classes. It builds in personal accountability as well as the public sharing of what is done or not done as the case may be. This extrinsic motivation can aid a teacher lots as well as motivate a student to stay on task or complete and be recognised for their efforts.

Effect sizes were talked about today. This research of John Hatttie has become something that NZ educational leaders use lots to explain to teachers which facets of what they do are effective. 

Today I picked Reflection as the aspect Assessment Capable Learners (ACL) to work on. This link is not one that is used in RPI but embodies the aspects of ACL. ACL is bandied around lots and there has been a lot of PLD provided in schools about this. I'm not sure how schools view this work or how successful they have been with it as I am not privy to that sort of information. 

Today I only just managed to get my teacher exemplar done in the time allocated. Even though this RPI is focused on Reading, because I am not teaching a class full time, I have adapted what I have done today in the context of Quality Blog Posts. Students reflect on their learning in a blog post. I shall use it with a couple of my classes and see how it goes. My teacher exemplar is here.

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